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Photoshop Car Rendering

I have been planning to do a proper Photoshop car render for a while and finally I found the time to do it! The car is an own design and has no particular brand. While doing this I got some advice from some of my friends in the Transportation master program here at Umeå Institute of Design which is always nice. There is no CAD involved in the making of this render and most of the reflections is a result of good old trial and error, where I kept what I felt worked and removed the ones that didn't really add anything.. Towards the end I did two things to make it feel a little bit more interesting. This is far from the only way you can accomplish that but it's one way. First I did a merge of all the layers into a new layer (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E). Then I applied the effect called "noise" to the new made layer to make it feel a little bit like a photo. After that I found an image on the web of an empty painting canvas, or something like that, and I put that on top of everything (also on the sketch) and put the layer on multiply. Haha I'm sorry to say that it's fake if anybody thought that I had done the sketch on some really cool paper. It's really all photoshop, but I guess that you could get the same effect by sketching on some cool paper and then scanning it in.

Equipment: Photoshop CS5
Time: 10h+ (It is more or less my first rendering of this kind so there has been a lot trial and error and experimenting in the making of this)

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