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KIA Concept Sketch

This is a concept sketch of some sort of sporty Kia model. I really liked the feeling in the original sketch, where I was just playing around with markers, starting with a bright one, and then going darker and darker, but it had some perspective problems. So I've had it laying around for a while, until I took the time to experiment with the perspective. Because the wheels already had quite different angles, indicating that the car is seen through some sort of fisheye lens, I choose to make the perspective more apparent, meaning that the closer part of the car becomes bigger and the part further away becomes smaller. Also the original sketch had a sort of backwards tilting, which I tried to correct.

When making the original sketch I imagined that it would be a quite small, sporty, SUV inspired car, so in the correction process, using the tool Liquify in Photoshop, I also made the whole car feel a bit smaller, to become closer to my original vision. Sketching is only a tool to concretize ones imagination and to find new ideas, so if the end result is close to what you had in mind, it doesn't really matter what your process looked like to get you there, even it could feel like cheating. In the end Photoshop is also a sketch tool, just like paper and pen is. One thing that does matters is time consumtion and because of that it is always good to keep on improving your sketching skills until you find the fastest way to work, where you don't need to correct the perspective of every sketch, which can often be quite time consuming.

Corrected Sketch (using Liquify tool in Photoshop)

Original Sketch

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